Most casinos do not have clocks, and this is because it would present an extreme fire hazard. Instead, they use gaudy wall and floor coverings to create an exciting and cheering environment. One popular color in casino decoration is red, because it is said to help people lose track of time. This color is also used in casinos to create a glamorous atmosphere. Although it is not a good idea to gamble while wearing red, it is still considered a good choice for a casino.
Casino security starts on the casino floor. Employees keep a close eye on the customers and the games. Dealers are mainly focused on their game, but they may spot an intruder if he or she does. Other employees, such as pit bosses, watch over the table games and look for any cheating patterns. In most cases, a higher-up person will track all of these employees to ensure that there are no issues.
Security is very important in a casino. The gaming floor is constantly staffed with employees, who monitor the games and patrons. Dealers are focused on the game, so they can easily detect any cheating. Table managers and pit bosses monitor the tables and look for betting patterns and other signs of cheating. Moreover, each employee is supervised by someone higher up. Ultimately, the safety of all casino patrons depends on this.