The Basics of Poker


In most forms of Poker, players reveal their cards in clockwise circles around the table, in order from the left to the right. Depending on the variant, one player may begin the process, and in some variants, two separate games are organized. The winner of a poker game is the player whose hand is the largest. Unless both players have identical hands, they are called active players. However, even if only one player is active, each player is still considered to be a participant.

While there is no specific origin for the game of poker, it is likely that it was invented during the 17th century in Europe. The word “poker” actually comes from a French game called poque, which originated in the early 17th century. The game later evolved into the German equivalent of primero, and French settlers took poker with them to the new world. In North America, it was named after the first player to bet a certain amount of money.

In many poker games, players make forced bets (usually an ante), and then place blind bets. This happens before each player receives their cards. This requirement is rotated around the table each round. Players take turns making the blind bet, and must call the blind bet before checking their hands. Poker hand development takes place between rounds, depending on the variations. For example, a player may raise by 14 chips in a game where the blind bet requirement is set to zero.