A slot is a narrow opening used for receiving and passing things. Its position on the ice improves airflow. The word slot is also a synonym for the verb “slotte.” There are many different uses for a slots. They can be used for a variety of things, including a job opening, a position in a company, or a position in a newspaper. In addition, the word “slot” can be a synonym for the action of making a hole.


A slot is a frame that contains a number of own slots, each of which has a slot value (V). In computing, a slot is a binary relation. Every value V in an own slot represents an assertion that a given relation is true. For example, a frame named Favorite-Food could have values like string ice cream and potato chips. It is important to know the difference between slots and frames so that you can identify which ones fit your own needs.

A SLOT stands for’slave of technology’. It is a term that describes the kind of person who is a slave to technology. He loves gadgets and can’t live without them. A lot of urban teenagers are labelled as SLOTs, both girls and boys. And it’s a pretty easy to spot a slot, as long as you know what to look for. If you’re looking for a nickname, try SLOT.