In the late 14c., slot was a term for the hollow in the throat, above the breastbone. The term comes from the Old French esclot, of uncertain origin, and is also related to Old Norse slod. In 1520, the word was used to describe a hollow area. In 1888, the word slot was added to the dictionary and first appeared in the context of a slot machine. Today, slot is a generic term for any hollow area.
The built-in amountOfMoney slot map any amount value, including money, as well as any duration type. The built-in number slot is the most flexible of the four. It allows users to define custom slot types. A location slot is a useful type to mark up a location in utterances. However, it is recommended that you map the value of a slot to its corresponding location. In the following paragraphs, we’ll cover the different types of slots.
Modern slot machines use microprocessors to assign different probabilities to the various symbols. Because of this, some symbols may represent several others. In addition, the pay table for some types of slot machines is displayed on the machine’s face. For older machines, the pay table is located above and below the spinning wheels, while video machines have it listed in the help menu. The pay table for a slot machine is important when making a decision on whether to play or not.