The Growth of the Casino Industry
One of the most basic rules of any casino is to never change the settings of any game, as this will cause the house edge to rise. This is because casinos will never lose money if a patron plays within the rules. Another rule is to never change the settings of any game. The casino will always accept your bets up to a certain amount and will only pay out what you bet, so there is no way for you to cheat the house.
In the 1990s, technology began to play a large role in casino operations. Video cameras and computers were routinely used to monitor the game play. A technique known as “chip tracking” was introduced, in which betting chips had built-in microcircuitry that allowed casinos to monitor wagers minute-by-minute. Roulette wheels are regularly checked for statistical deviations, and enclosed versions of most games no longer require dealers. Instead, players place their bets by pushing a button.
In addition to the games and the food, a casino’s customer service is also an important component in the overall customer experience. They offer special perks for loyal customers and reward them accordingly. Many casinos also offer perks that help gamblers win more. These perks are called comps and they are provided to patrons who spend more than the average. In the 1970s, casinos in Las Vegas were well-known for free show tickets, free buffets, and discounted travel packages. Their strategy was to attract the largest number of people to their city and fill as many hotel rooms as possible. This strategy was a major part of the growth of the casino industry and generated a lot of revenue for the principality of Monaco.