The House Edge in a Casino
The house edge in a casino is one of the largest factors that can make you lose money playing there. If you’re a card counter or an advantage player, the dealer might try to stop you or ask for your money, but the bottom line is that winning is good for business and the casinos rely on that greed to continue to keep you coming back. You’ll probably be surprised to know that casino management doesn’t mind if you win or lose and will happily give you free drinks while you’re there. However, don’t expect your wins to be shared with other gamblers; this isn’t the case.
There are several reasons why the casino has a low expected value. First, because the house always loses money, they can’t afford to pay you. Second, they can’t lose money because they accept all bets within their limits. Third, the house always wins and there’s almost no chance that you’ll be broke playing at a casino. Therefore, if you’re a big better, you’ll have no trouble winning.
In the 1990s, casinos started to make use of technology to ensure fair gambling. Some of these modern casinos use computers and video cameras to supervise the games. “Chip tracking” involves betting chips with built-in microcircuitry. This allows casinos to watch the amount of money gamblers are placing minute by minute. Statistical deviations in the wheel are also monitored regularly. Some casinos even offer free cigarettes and drinks to big bettors.