What Is a Slot?


The word slot is a noun and a grammatical function. It describes a narrow opening or position, and can fit any morpheme sequence. In hockey, a slot is the fourth position of the flying display. It is also related to the verb “sleutana,” which means to open or close. The term is cognate with German Schloss, the place where a pilot is authorized to land.

A computer’s slot is an opening or hole where an expansion board or add-on board can be installed. A computer’s slots are commonly found on the front or back of the computer. Some computers also have bays for disk drives. While they’re not used as much as slots, they’re still very important components of the computer. When a person uses the computer, the slot can be a great way to keep track of incoming and outgoing air traffic.

A computer’s slot refers to the opening or gap in a computer’s motherboard that allows the system to expand. For example, a chip with a slot on it would allow a user to add more memory to their computer. A PC’s slot is also a place to install disk drives. Typically, these slots are located on the front or back of the computer. The slot on a motherboard is an important part of a computer.